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Dec 8, 2021

We are delighted to be joined in a two-part episode with Dr. Sarah Bren to speak on the topic of Covid, and the related stressors and anxiety that parents and children experienced throughout this pandemic. We will explore the ways that parents can cope with past and new stressors that have entered our lives, as well as, our children’s lives including navigating relationships, friendships, school, and social skills. Dr. Bren is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in psychodynamic and relationship based approaches to working with children and families. She is particularly passionate about equipping parents with tools to understand the building blocks of child development and how secure relationships form and thrive. Her work is focused on parents finding their inner confidence to respond to any parenting problems.

You can also learn more about Dr. Sarah Bren by visiting her webpage at and Instagram @drsarahbren. Our second part, where we discuss more stress resolutions,  will exist on Dr. Sarah Bren’s podcast “Securely Attached”, and will air on December 14th.